Thursday, May 8, 2008

Low Carbohydrates Diet

I have had a problem with my weight since I was a child. There have been times in my life where I am close to my ideal weight and there have been other times when I have been sixty pounds overweight. No matter how good I feel and look when my weight is down I return to old habits of overeating. I love food, all kinds of food. I love cooking, grocery shopping, and serving food to guests. I know my weight is not healthy, but I love making healthy foods. I also like making foods that are high in calories.

My cooking skills and love of food began to create a weight problem for my husband also. He has never been overweight, but soon the amounts and kinds of food that I had in the house started to catch up with him. He told me that he needed to find a diet that would help him shed the extra fifteen pounds that he had gained. I agreed that I needed to try to lose weight again so we went on a low carbohydrates diet together. I have tried every diet known to man, from weight watchers to pills, to prepared foods plan. I know that I need to make a life style change in addition to the dieting, because no matter how much I lose I put it back on. The hardest part of the new diet is finding a low carb breakfast. It is true that you can eat eggs, cheese and meats; however these things take time to prepare. I leave for work quite early in the morning so taking time to make a low carb breakfast was not something I wanted to do. Many of the quick solutions for a morning meal did not fit the criteria for a low carb breakfast. Toast, cereals, yogurts and fruit which are quick to grab and eat on the run were not on the list of acceptable foods.

When we were on this diet there were not as many low carbohydrate foods available on the market as there are today. Most prepared and packaged low carb breakfast foods and other meals came out a year or two later, after the low carb diet became so popular. I find it interesting that once all of the prepackaged foods began to be available, people were not having as much success with the diet. The convenience of the prepackaged foods leads to a greater calorie intake. My solution for the low carb breakfast was to boil a dozen eggs on Sundays. I would keep them in the refrigerator and eat two of them each morning. For a mid morning snack I would eat a couple of sticks of string cheese and then have a chef salad or bun-less burger with a side salad for lunch. Dinner was always protein and greens. We did both lose weight on the diet and the nice part was that you do not feel hungry

Healthy Foods To Eat

What are you feeding your body? Are you a sugar, salt and junk food fiend, or do you take the healthy road? believe it or not, there are healthy foods to eat now days that do taste good as well. No longer do you have to suffer in utter agony with the nasty health foods of the past. Technology has come to the rescue. Virtually any cuisines you can imagine are up for grabs and lack the harsh ingredients that can literally kill your body. Anything from Weight Watchers, to South Beach Diet, to Lean Cuisine floods the healthy foods market these days. I don't care if you're merely dieting or trying to stick with a decent eating regime, a variety of wonderful healthy foods to eat are at your disposal.

What healthy foods to eat do you actually prefer? I think some of the standards are fruit, fish, and poultry. We all know that these items are good for us due to the essential nutrients that they provide. We need daily fiber and antioxidants along with protein to replenish our bodies. These are things that can't be found too often in fast foods. Take a cheeseburger and fries for example; there plain and simply isn't much nourishment there. Sure, you may get some carbs, calcium and protein in there somewhere, but it's not enough and in comparison to the fat consumption, it's certainly not worth it. Are you aware of how much fat you're aloud to consume on a daily basis? It's around 65 grams for the average adult. However, if you're currently overweight, it's surely less. America in particular has a problem with this. We consume far too much junk food. It's time to venture out and take a gander at all the healthy foods to eat. Whether you like it or not, your life depends on it. Too often folks will blame advertisers for their weight issues. give me a break. If you're an adult, then you decide what you eat each and every day. All it takes for some folks is to get informed. If you are wondering what healthy foods to eat are available right under your nose now days, you can always hop online for a closer look. Get the skinny on all healthy foods to eat from all food groups. This way you can create a nutritious eating routine that will keep you healthy and happy for as long as you live.